Sunday, January 12, 2025

sadhguru - inner engineering program

my dear readers, as you probably know, i admire the sadhguru for few years now, dont you? how long? heaven & hell, it started already 8 years ago, during our 1st visit to india in 2016. NOW was the RIGHT TIME for me to attend his inner engineering program offered by his isha foundation. btw, the online program costs 150 euro regularly and as a new year's offer right now 105 €. the same program in attendance e.g. in munich, february 2025, 13th - 16th costs 330 €. they teach 2 evenings THU + FRI and 2 full days SAT + SUN. the course language is in both cases english with simultaneous german translation ...

i've just finished 5 out of 6 steps in the online program and i'm going to finish the last pre-recorded step today afternoon [=> DONE ✔] ... unfortunately, there are no free time slots for the 7th and last chapter of my course before my online activation expires. it is most likely some art of final transformation of energy via a live-session which takes 1.5 days ... => heaven & hell, i've just registered for the same program again for the half price (75 euros) and already appointed this energy-transformation 'Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya' live-session for the end of april, my friends. a good deal, if you asked me, because the online program is quite good and i will have access to it for the whole next year 😃

few considered issues / thoughts: 

  • easy yoga excercises for neck, head, backbone, ... upa yoga, yoga namaskar, ... 
  • yoga breathing hyperventilation
  • isha kriya .. hmmm, i obviosly didnt get a clue what is that and in which part of the program it was taught / excersiced  
  • i'm not my body and i'm even not my mind ...
  • everything happens in THIS MOMENT
  • what happens in this moment is unchangeable / inevitable
  • of course, we can think abt the past or make plans for the future, but we only can live & act in this moment ...
  • the concept of responsibility vs. handling => i'm responsible for everything thus my responsibility is limitless. my handling / actions are of course limited (i cant be everywhere at the same time ...)
  • happiness = when we get what we want in THIS MOMENT
  • sorrow / grief = the life is different as we wish it would be
  • pain is not sorrow
  • pain is good as it ensures survival of mankind (it is not our intellect or brains, you see?)
  • intellect tries to carve (zerstückeln) everything (frog, mouse, men, monkey, ...) 
  • intelligence brings together
  • the mind / brain increases everything e.g. the picture of an elephant which appears in our retina inside our eyes, our sorrows, ...
  • everything what we explore in our life (pictures, sounds, taste, emotions ...) happens inside us. why should we allow s.o. from outside to control / determine what our life experience would be?
  • food ~ people are born to be vegetarians (teeth, intestinals (darm), ...) good vs. bad food in terms of usefulness for the body (it is not a religious / ethical opinion) => 
    • not good: garlic, onions, chillies, coffee, tee, white sugar, flour ... 
    • good: indian pumpkin / wintermelon, black pepper, honey (especially with warm water), fruits, nuts, ...
    • meet not good for our bodies, fish less dangerous then e.g. mammals, because fish is in the evolutionary chain very far away from mammals (aka us), so it cannot override our genetical information
    • pesticides, antibiotics and the low variety and low nutrition values of today's food is not good either (... nice red 'quadratic tomatoes' most likely almost without significant nutrition value for our bodies) ~ in 3 generation will the major problem of mankind be the fact, that our own useful bacteria inside us (it is abt 50% of us or some similarly high percentage) will not survive the level of antibiotics we consume with our food
  • sleep ... we dont need 8+ hours a day if we just ate good food  ...
  • karma, the principle of action and reaction 
  • a strong master-student-tradition in india for spiritual issues, thus wisdom not affected by the change / evolution of language and/or moral norms
  • forget ohhhhmmm, remember AAAAAUUUUUMMMMM ... all sounds equally long(!) 
question #1: what are the 3 basic sounds you can make without using your tongue?
answer #1: A (mouth completely open). U (mouth half open). M (mouth closed)
is there any other question regarding ohhhhmmm?
... btw, just try the christian 'amen' without the 'N' or try the muslim 'amin' without the 'N' ... you will get aaauuummm, wont you?
  • quantum physics => ??? ask better sadhguru or my wife what was intended by this chapter, not me 😇
    • creation, U, brahma, wisdom, proton
    • maintenance, A, vishnu, wealth, neutron
    • destruction, M, shiva, love+fertility, electron 
  • 72.000 energy lines in our body go through our bellybutton (or more precisely through a chakra which is 2 cm below it)   
  • nature decides what is possible and not we (as we just think that possible is only this what we already know ... while sitting on a chair: is it possible for you to fly away? is it possible to stand up + run away? ... whats your believe?)
  • do not decide what makes other people happy
  • what life and what kind of world would we like to have? peaceful, happy, joyful ... IT IS POSSIBLE RIGHT IN THIS MOMENT ... we just need to start behave peaceful, happy, joyful ... => do not wait for 'the others to start', just start by yourself NOW. well, we activists know we are the ones who start to do good things ... how to achieve that worldwide? maybe:
    • your 1st thought every morning: today i will create a peacefull world ... if you are friendly to others, then (almost always) will the others be friendly to you, isnt it? ... do / dedicate your life to what is important & valuable .... do not waste your life by doing boring / unneeded stuff just to pay your bills ...  than better do nothing, be friendly and in sadhgurus ashram in south india you will get 2 dishes a day for free  ... joyful people spread joyful mood
    • if everyone is friendly to all other people, so the whole world will become a friendly / peaceful / joyful place, wont it?
    • did i became a better person after 6 out of 7 chapters of sadhguru's program? aauumm, the time will show 😇 ... i'm definitely going to do the energy transformation live-session in april. most likely i will update this blog post right after that again and tell ya the results / opinions after the two long session days ...
  • etc

... MORE COMING SOON ... or never?

enjoy also my 2nd blog abt sadhgurus opinion on mother earth and even more screenshots aka wisdom + advice in my corresponding and continuously enhanced google album.

Monday, January 6, 2025

snowy czech republic, CZ

at our way from the polish baltic sea back home to munich, we've visited few sites in the czech republic (bohemia + moravia), CZ:

  • nachod (moravia) ~ we have been to nachod castle 3 years ago, today we've visited nachod's city center
  • brandys nad labe = brandeis an der elbe (bohemia) - a small city with a quite nice castle and quite ugly market square at the labe river (elbe) ... btw, brandeis could be translated from german as 'burning ice' => just see the pictures of the icy ice road between brandeis and liblice and our car in the trench (graben) below ⛄🚗🍀
  • liblice castle (bohemia) - my wife liked our stay here last summer that much, i couldnt book any other accomodation for the stop over. this time we have been in the main castle building, so i could at least to some point experience new here 😄

ice on the road close before our final destination liblice castle 😨
it will be dark soon ...
liblice castle (hotel)
marble hall, liblice castle, CZ


more pictures soon here.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

cinderella castle in moszna (schloss moschen), PL

at our way from the polish baltic sea back home to munich, we've visited the beautiful cinderella-like moszna castle (schloss moschenclose to opole (oppeln), upper silesia, poland, PL. it is a hotel today, was a sanatorium for mental diseases in the communist era and is a former castle of the german aristocratic family thiele-winkler (thiele-winckler). the castle was bilt in 1768 and then almost 200 years enhanced further. when it is true what the castle prospect says, they have 99 towers and 365 rooms out there => for every day a different one? well, at the end of WWII, the owners fled from the socialist regime and the castle was run-down during the socialist / communist era like many others in whole eastern europe (+ cuba + vietnam + etc), as nobody cared abt the 'all-people-owned' property. today is the castle owned by the regional district 'wojewodztwo opolskie' and survives as a hotel + restaurant + cafe + theatre castello + souvenirs shop + horse ranch + event location (at our 1st dinner, there was a company celebration, where the people in groups of 4 were forced to find some signs/codes/ways inside the castle (at least at 3 floors of it) in what i guess was some kind of an escape room or a hide-and-seek competition).

we have met friends which we knew in munich 35 years ago and together enjoyed the beautiful castle + its park which has no fence and thus is connected to neighboring forests and meadows ... we liked also the good food and the theatre performance which was for free + quite interesting + intended to say 'enjoy your life, it is nice and you never know when it its over', as one of the actresses told to the audience at the very end of the spectacle ... well, for an uncultured swine like myself it would definitely be helpful if she told that in the beginning 😅

for me as part of the german minority in slovakia, where all the remained germans after the lost WWII had almost no rights, no german schools, newpapers, it was even forbidden to speak german for many years ... it was interesting to see, that here in oppeln & surroundings like e.g. moschen (moszna) live still some germans and in few villages were the village names written in both languages, polish and german. as we have spent only 2 nights here, i had not enough opportunities to explore the german past out there, but maybe some other time ... those germans who stayed were most likely largely mixed polish-german marriages and the like, as i was told by friends. as far as i know, here were the germans an absolute majority and thus after WWII most of them were expelled out of the country and replaced by poles who lost their homes in today's lithuania, russia and especially in (bandera troops' controlled parts of western) ukraine

enjoy few pictures:

the fairy-tale moszna castle (schloss moschen)
castle's museum
castle's museum
the room which impressed me most ~ the beautiful cafe
many local and for me unknown nysa beers (zelazna dziewica = iron maiden)
pszepyszne! (aka pszeniczne) ... what a wordplay! 😇🍻🍀
the beautiful cafe
they also have a theatre inside ~ teatr castello
our room - huge, but not convenient. especially no real place to
 sit down + drink a coffee + play a game and no bath/WC as well
+ the one and only painting inside was ugly too, even for a person
with such a low sense for cultural beauty like me 👹
they offer events (PL 'oferty eventow'😉) as i've told ya above
some private history club's event at the weekend in the castle.
these folks sat at dinner + at breakfast next to our table ...
... they bring you by car from an airport ...
castle's park
castle's park
a photography of a poster ... 
during our stay was the small fountain lake frozen ☃
just a fish pond or a real lake for swimming in the summer time?
castle's horse ranch
moszna, outside the castle ...
factory / museum of metal robots
moszna, some modern church outside the castle.
ugly, but at least the clouds are nice, arent they?
view from our room
castle's tower which i've found behind the (open!) room door #426.
here i really expected to meet the sleeping beauty aka rosebud
 (dornröschen) or cinderella or both and found just the skeleton 💀
at least you see, how it was possible to count 99 towers
(+365 rooms) in this castle ...
castle's park
cemetery, graves of the former owners family, thiele-winkler
fields + meadows + forest next to the castle
castle's park
do this sculptures transform into a nice fountain in summer time?
strange. probaly part of the events ~ escape room & Co.
the owners liked horse, you see?
of course, there was a chapel, too
the view from the highest tower 😄
good-bye, moszna aka moschen
industrial upper silesia
spa duszniky-zdroj, close to the the PL-CZ border


more pictures soon here.