Sunday, July 14, 2024

zug, switzerland, CH

our youngest daughter works for 5 months in zurich, switzerland. thus we've enjoyed the opportunity to visit her for few days. 

btw, my last visit to switzerland was in 2013 (=> pilatus, lucerne - luzern, rheinfall, schaffhausen). no wonder my CHF notes 💸 were outdated today ... and the waiter who didnt acceppt them, told me friendly i should try to exchange them in the swiss national bank (SNB). btw, the coins are still fine & valid. why? maybe because they have some inner value which paper has not? e.g. the (partly) silver 2 CHF coins from 1967 (and older) contain silver valued 7 CHF today ... of course, you will hardly ever find any of them in your pocket as everyone keeps them out of circulation 😂

enjoy here the historical city of zug + the lake zuger see => extremely low taxes, many millionaires, even more expensive than zurich. a beer 🍻 in a pizzeria costs 9 CHF vs. 7 to 8 CHF in zurich vs. 4 to 5 CHF in germany. okay, the swiss didnt take part in WWI & WWII, so none of their cities was destroyed in the last century by war and thus so most of them have nice historical centers, you know?

unlike zurich, we've had nice sunny weather today. we've enjoyed to swim in the lake and also the pictures turned out well. as all my insights are written in the blog post about zurich, here you'll find pictures. to be honest, we have spent the most time in the public bath seebad seeliken 🏊
the western part of the lake zuger see
a staircase takes you under the surface of the lake 😄
a tower gate ...
.. the upper floor
... the ground floor
the town hall (rathaus) with a a war scene from 1422
(johann landtwing rettet das banner von zug) 
seebad seeliken 🏊

more CH pictures here.

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