Saturday, July 27, 2024

partenkirchen, Ga-Pa

what a shock in garmisch-partenkirchen! ... our daughter was invited to a wedding party in garmisch, so we have spent two days and one horror night as babysitters in partenkirchen ... why a horror? 

well, our 1.5 years old grandson was soooo tired in the evening that he could not sleep at all ... i was walking outside with him in a buggy for a hour to keep him satisfied ... yes, he felt asleep, but as i carried him 2 floors up to our bedroom he was awake again  ... and then he cried, cried, cried ... even walking outside or playing in my daughter's caravan with my wife and me didnt help to improve his mood a lot ...  well, at about 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. i finally went to pick-up my daughter + her husband from the party to settle our small sweetheart 💝

of course, everything else was fine ...

lets show ya few pictures which i've uploaded to my old GaPa album / blog created in february 2023 as we've celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in the hotel wittelsbacher hof, which is located directly at the partnach river which builds the border between garmisch and partenkirchen, if you asked me.

why are the no 'real life' people at the pictures? well, our daughter(s) do not wish to see their and their families pictures on the internet, you know? even if it is for me as blogger still difficult to understand, it is easy to accept in the meantime ..

what a nice view from our airbnb appartment
do the deer celebrate a wedding anniversary, too? 💞
the partnach river
restaurant & the ski jumping hill in partenkirchen
the czechoslovak ski-jump team at the winter olympics 1936 in GaPa
new partenkirchen, our airbnb appartment on the right side
me, walking with my grandson in a buggy in old partenkirchen at night🌛

more GaPa pictures here.

tags: horror, partnach, grandson, garmisch-partenkirchen, garmisch, partenkirchen, Ga-Pa, GaPa

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