Sunday, February 2, 2025

sellaronda = dolomiti superski, südtirol, IT

my dears, wanna enjoy or lets more precisely call it compare my last year's green direction around the sella massiv (with biggest part of the day in a complete fog) first? really? okay, just jump here 😉🏂💚🌋⛄


this year was my dolomiti superski experience (is it how they call it here?) accompanied by a nice sunny weather all day and i've choosen the orange round. unfortunately, i've really messed up my no #1 goal for today, the marmolada part at arabba. why? it was sooo strange, i'm going to call it karma! well, i was so confident i will see the cable car up to marmolada i remember from my green round a year ago, that i didnt look up the route map all day long. now i see there are obviously 2 different ways for the orange route at arabba and just one of them intersects the marmolada cable car with opportunity to stay an hour or two there. btw, confucius told, the road is the goal, didnt he? anyway, there are TWO THOUGHTS abt that issue in my mind right now:

  1. marmolada & me will most likely develop a similar relationship like ararat to the russian czar 😇
  2. the more i look up the marmolada pictures on the internet, the more i feel i've mixed up the 'marmolada screenshot in my mind' from my 1st visit at seiser alm with some other distinctive dark_stone + white_snow dolomity rocks, most likely with the rosengarten group. do i really search for which does not exist? like world peace? no way! global peace exists, it is just not here yet ... of course, this DOES NOT MEAN i'm not looking for both, world peace and marmolada, my dears. just in case you didnt know, i'm going to visit marmolada (+ cortina d'ampezzo) on my next occasion here in südtirol, which is already planned for august 2025. you see?

lets construct a looooong 'italian spaghetti sentence'. will we? well, before i'll show ya the pictures from the village of natz, where our favorite stay is currently the airbnb's klementhof where we have a nice living room + kitchen + this time even 2 bed rooms, one of them still unused, plus pictures from  sellearonda, lets whine a little bit how difficult it was to pick-up my online purchased ski pass and to find a parking place for the day in wolkenstein (selva gardena) in grödnertal valley on sunday. please dont allow me to start complaining about the overexpensive and just lukewarm goulash soup for 16 EURos at the 44 piz sella ski lift restaurant at passo sella (grödnerjoch) at 2239m, will you?

sellaronda, 44km of dolomiti superski, the orange direction

ARE YOU READY for the arts gallery in our lovely klementhof appartments in natz and also for the beautiful hills down the road? langkofel 3181m (sassolungo) + the whole langkofelgruppe with plattkofel as the 2nd + fünffingerspitze (5 fingers summit) as the 3rd mountain (pictures from my hiking tour around that group of three in summer 2023 here), my lovely schlern 2563m (hiking tour 2019) and of course the sella massiv (highest peak is piz boe, 3152 m) + wolkenstein + ...

our living room and my mobile work office for monday at klementhof, natz, südtirol
look to one side (west?) from one of our windows 😃
few residents at klementhof, natz 🐰
langental in wolkenstein / gröden
parts of the village wolkenstein (selva val gardena) in grödnertal valley
my 1st ski lift today ... important to remember for 
the last run down the hill to the parking slot 😇
wolkenstein. beautiful, isnt it?
wolkenstein, end station of the dantercepies lift ... 
one of the best ski runs out there. i've tried 3 times today 
marmolata / marmolada, IS THAT YOU? 💔
marmolata / marmolada, IS THAT maybe YOU? 💔
grödner joch = passo sella, view to the langkofelgruppe. 
from left2right: plattkofel + fünffingerspitze + langkofel (3181m)
langkofelgruppe / langkofel group 🌋
is THAT me? 😎
the sella massif, highes peak is piz boe 3152m ... 
... as seen from the langkofelgroup
not good food, extremely expensive, unfriendly waiters ...
at least a beautiful view at the sella massif from here 🏂💚🌋⛄
langkofel, a very untypical perspective
my round is over, i'm back at wolkenstein ⛅
... lets make 2-3 runs more here and then back 2 natz 🚗
my last run 2day 🏂💛🌋⛄
this is the conrad moroder museum of wooden sculptures in st. ulrich
good-bye, sellaronda 💖
of course we've visited our favorite restaurant brückenwirt in neustift

few more pictures from natz + the orange round around the sella massif HERE 🌞


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