Sunday, May 29, 2022

aichach, schwaben (BY)

what a strange shaman retreat in swabia what my wife planned for her and partly for me as i joined the (lakota indian style) sweat lodge sessions in the evenings and walked in the eastern bavarian disrict schwaben / swabia during the day. unlike today, swabia was a huge historic territory in medieval southwest germany before. enjoy few pictures from aichach, the beautiful medieval city, wich was the home of the bavarian rulers from the wittelsbach family. you can see their castles in unterwittelsbach + oberwittelsbach in the shaman retreat blog linked above, if you wish ...

enjoy few pictures and the beautiful skies  ☁  over aichach 😇

aichach, the first of the two beautiful city gates
aichach, the second of the two beautiful city gates

 a historic tractor rally?
coat of arms
more pictures here.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

fugger city weissenhorn in swabia (bavaria BY)

weissenhorn / weißenhorn is the #2 fugger city in germany (after augsburg). what makes a fugger city interesting? well, the fuggers were probably the riches family on earth in the 16th century, you know? i really liked this beautiful small city and its market square brewery barfüßer in the bavarian disrict schwaben / swabia. unlike today, swabia was a huge historic territory in medieval southwest germany before. 
there is a beautiful medieval city called weissenburg with unesco heritage roman border (limes) in franconian part of bavaria, too. so please do not mix up these two wonderful cities as i do soooo often. will you? 😄

weißenhorn in bayern (bavaria)
old city gate
 fugger castle
the church behind the city gate is next to the castle
the 2nd old city gate on the left

brewery barfüßer

more pictures here.

anton fugger's castle in babenhausen, BY

babenhausen (bayern, BY), a beautiful small city in the bavarian disrict schwaben / swabia. unlike today, swabia was a huge historic territory in medieval southwest germany before. the most interesting historic remainings in babenhausen? the currently under restauration standing castle of the ultra-rich fugger family. enjoy few pictures 😃

fuggerschloss ~ fugger castle (first mentioned in 1237, bought by anton fugger in 1538)
st. andreas church

more pictures here.