i'm so sad, my dears. i've joined the protest of few asylum seeking folks in front of bavarian ministry of social issues in munich. the refugees strike for better conditions here in bavaria like e.g. internet access, wifi access, access to communities. not too much, wouldn't you say? well, as for now these protesters are accommodated in a forest outside of everything mentioned above (link to mainstream media article about the issue of these pour souls mostly from senegal here). well, i've stayed for some time, brought hot coffee, some chocolate (energy against the cold weather), money and yes, i could speak to few folks out there: refugees, supporters, policemen ... most touching was my contact to a man from congo, who lives already for more than 4 years here in munich but is still not allowed to stay and just forced to prolong his temporary stay permit 'duldung' (what an ugly word, isn't it?). hell, there is war in congo for 16 years now. how long will the german authorities block the life of people like him with temporary permits which do not allow to work, to earn money and to join the community?
there were not many people joining the protest, were there? we have had few more people joining the former refugee protest at rindermarkt in june 2013. you know what? as far as i can see it, there is a huuuuuge huuuuge huge lack of EMPATHY out there. empathy for people, animals, nature, economy, communities ... empathy, where are you gone? well, that's why our homo sapiens species continues to destroy the life all over the planet via senseless wars, nuclear madness, senseless subsidies for huge corporations and for health + environment damaging agriculture, (un-)economic nature destruction for short term profit if any, if you asked me ...
refugee camp is open since thursday and going to last till monday or longer, so you can stop by any time in the next few days ...
no one is illegal
link to my save the world link library here
thus my friends: OccupyWallStreet + OccupyWarStreet + OccupyYourStreet + OccupyTogether = RealDemocracyNow or do you really want the history continues like this (= source of the picture)?
well, let show you what a facebook buddy of mine pinoc chio posted recently (the complete post concerning one keny arkana's song see below):Wir brauchen keine Gesetze, Kontrollen, noch mehr Sicherheitsvorkehrungen, Schutz vor Terroristen, irgendwelche Verordnungen, die nicht uns dienen sondern nur diesem kranken System. Wir brauchen keine lobbyistengesteuerte, korrupte Politik...er. Wir brauchen keine machtgeile Elite die mit ihrem Kontrollwahn alles versuchen zu beherrschen. Wir brauchen auch keinen neue Weltordnung, wir brauchen keine Lügen, wir brauchen keine Scheindemokratie. Wir brauchen keine Regierung die nicht im Interesse ihres Volkes handelt, sondern nur im Interesse der Machtinstitutionenen. Wir brauchen nicht die ganzen Gifte im Essen, im Wasser und in der Luft. Wir brauchen kein Geld , das sowieso null Wert hat und nur dazu dient den Menschen zu versklaven. Wir brauchen auch keinen Wachstum und auch keine krankmachende Technologien. Was wir brauchen sind mutige, wache und bewusste Menschen, die eine neue Welt kreieren nach den Maßstäben der Menschlichkeit, Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit. Menschen, die im Einklang mit Natur und allen Lebewesen auf diesem Planeten Leben. Menschen, die diesen ganzen Wahnsinn nicht mehr unterstützen und endlich begreifen, dass es in unseren Händen liegt in was für einer Welt wir leben wollen, in was für einer Welt unsere Kinder leben sollen.
Viva la Revolution!
the text above was extracted from one facebook post concerning keny arkana's song here text (incl. picture)
what about poverty?
the text above was extracted from one facebook post concerning keny arkana's song here text (incl. picture)
what about poverty?
source: here
""Wir sind die letzte Generation, die noch alles ändern kann"
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