Saturday, September 21, 2019

ABBA songs + wonderful 70ties birthday party

what a crazy 70ties birthday party with almost non stop ABBA songs in wachendorf close to nuremberg 😃.
well, as i can't ask the other guest whether they allow me to post their pictures in the internet or not, thus i've just chosen pictures where google's face recognition failed ... that should be fair enough, shouldn't it? so enjoy few pictures of the location, my wife and myself :-)
best of all wives
two of us
the greek sirtaki dance was also part of the evening program
the leader shows the moves, the team follows 😄
 the clean-up shift the day after ...
just don't fly away on that broom, my dear 😈
done. the practice room of the local theater group is empty and clean again
haha, just found in the living room of our friend in nuremberg ~
two of us at a strange day some 26 years ago 💕😄💕
 a short break for swimming in lake pfraundorfer see close to the medieval city of beilngries
good-bye franconia (franken)

and this is the song i couldn't get out of my head for few weeks a-ha a-ha 😍.... it was simply too much ABBA music, if you asked me.
ABBA - voulez-vous (= as you like? do you want it, too?)
more pictures here.

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