Tuesday, December 29, 2020

birth place of the amper river = stegen at lake ammersee, bavaria

what about one anecdote today? the river AMMER comes from the Ammergauer Alpen (Alps) and enters the lake ammersee from the south and leaves it at its most northern point. fine, but what is the new name of the ammer river after its lake ammersee journey? AMPER. it just changed one letter while in lake ammersee 😂

what a wonderful walk at the northern lake ammersee at stegen. walking at a lake before 9 p.m. is in bavaria still allowed during the 2nd corona-lockdown in 2020, my dears ... could you imagine s.th. like that a year ago? it is already almost as bad as covid-1984 and still getting worse, the EU has bought hundred of millions vaccines for its citizens => compulsory vaccination will come in 2021, isn't it?

although our favorite part of lake ammersee is its southwest part at diessen, we liked also its a little bit too close to the highway located northern part at stegen today. especially its outcoming river amper => enjoy few pics:

1st frozen pond beside the amper river
northern lake ammersee at stegen am ammersee
birthplace of the AMPER river in lake ammersee
bridge over the amper river
2nd pond beside the amper river
lake ammersee at stegen
if you don't understand it and it is ugly, too, just ask yourself whether it could be arts?
brewery alte brauerei stegen (1892)
my booty (beute) today: BEER/BIER! 1x alte brauerei stegen + 2x brauerei maisach
brewery alte brauerei stegen (1892)
brewery alte brauerei stegen (1892)
lake ammersee at stegen
guesthouse schreyegg at ammersee. wanna come in? 
forget it, it's closed because of corona-measures, 2nd lockdown 2020

few more pictures here.

more bavarian lakes.

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