Saturday, July 1, 2023

mama's final peace

my mother died last year, but it took some time till we've got the urn + made the grave in her home village just next to her parents. R.I.P dear mama. we hope, you would be happy, when you've seen how we came together in your beloved carpathian mountains in einsiedel an der göllnitz to remember you 💖

all in one
what a nice grave at the forest cemetery (called totengarten) in einsiedel an der göllnitz

few pictures from this sorrowful trip? here we go, the completely new and most interesting part of my journey was the coffee break & sightseeing in the mining city of Rožňava (hungarian Rozsnyó, german Rosenau, latin Rosnavia). rosenau in the slovakian ore mountains (slovenske rudohorie, slowakisches erzgebirge, ungarisches erzgebirge), 1st mentioned in 1291 as rosnaubana (rosenau mine), was famous for its gold mines with the highest gold grades in former hungary. there was silver and iron ore, too ...

uhorna, carpathian mountains
lake uhorna
smolnik - schmöllnitz
pauker, a former guest house
my mother's birth house is owned by gypsies today ... 
einsiedel an der göllnitz (mnisek nad hnilcom)
totengarten unter dem spitznberg, einsiedel an der göllnitz (mnisek nad hnilcom)
grandpa + grandma lindtner
grandpa + grandma gruber
spitznberg, einsiedel an der göllnitz (mnisek nad hnilcom)

Rožňava (hungarian Rozsnyó, german Rosenau, latin Rosnavia)
Rožňava (hungarian Rozsnyó, german Rosenau, latin Rosnavia)
town hall, signed in HU + DE + SK language shows the former nationalities ... 
today are the slovaks with 70% and 27% hungarians the two nations who remained.
on the road

everyone will find his/her final peace and final place some day. my mother found her in her birth village close to her parents and all family ...

more pictures here.

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