enjoy few pictures from lake wörthsee. the pictures were taken at 3 different days [september 1st (sunny) + september 29th (dark) + december 28th (ice cold)] and also at 3 different locations, so do not get confused from what you see. and yes, i was every time swimming in the lake, in december probably only 30 - 50 seconds 😆
especially the first visit was very interesting for us, as we could explore the lake and the (private) island mausinsel from the electric boat with our youngest daughter and her boyfriend. it was nice to see the lake from a different perspective than from the beach side ...
lake wörthsee as seen by google's pictures effects (december, 28th)
even more google effects ~ boat harbour (bootshafen) bachern am wörthsee
island mausinsel (september, 1st)
heaven, what weather is there for our boat tour today?
the private island mausinsel
it should start to rain soon, so let's better come back on time
lunch in etterschlag (september, 29th)
steinebach, the really small public beach area next to restaurant seehaus raabe

restaurant seehaus raabe is one of the nicest places to be in steinebach at hot summer days. my #1 is the il kiosko area below, anyway 😄
steinebach, close to the public beach at il kiosko, lake wörthsee (september, 29th). il kiosko is not the nicest but still our favorite location at wörthsee as we have been here many, many times when our eldest daughter was a small child. even today we like to swim here as the lake is easily accessible from the beach. for food only we would prefer seehaus raabe today, but we are also 25 years older now. in total (swimming+food+drinks) is the il kiosko area for us still somehow better anyway 😄
beer + girls = 😃😃😃. is there something more what does a man need on top?
steinebach, seehaus raabe (december, 28th)
the lake wörthsee is a damned ice coooooold water hole
good-bye, lake wörthsee
addendum 2020-03-07: let's meet friends in 'augustiner am wörthsee', the former fleischmann's
there is a small public bathing beach, too
in the toilet ~ so funny 😊
yacht club in steinebach close to il kioslo
it snows ⛄
more pictures
more bavarian lakes