Friday, December 20, 2024

schloss schildau (wojanow), schlesien, PL

our 2nd stopover on the way from munich (DE) to lodz (PL) after karlsbad (CZ) was the beautiful and really interesting to see wojanow castle - schloss schildau - palac wojanow in lower silesia (PL) (schlesien, slask) in poland - polen - polska. we love this former german settled areas in the trijunction CZ-PL-DE, you remember? 

there are at least two interesting stories to tell:

  1. by a mistake i've booked two different rooms in two different categories in the same hotel wojanow castle for the same night => heaven & hell 👹. the 1st one in the middle of november, the 2nd in early december ... the annulation fee (storno) at is at the arrival day 100%. you woldnt expect any other number, would you? => 😱 ... [addendum 24.12.2024: as the hotel was half-empty outside of the regular tourist season, it charched just 1 of our 2 booked rooms (+ of course all the food + drinks at dinner + the breakfast) and we could get back the already paid hotel charge via today. NICE.] yes, there was a 2nd bad luck issue in schildau for us: we could not see the SCHNEEKOPPE (snezka) mountain from the garden restaurant due to heavy clouds. thus enjoy the quite low (1603m) but snowy hill at the CZ-PL border in my old blog post from 2021 i've linked above ... btw, snezka is the highest point of the czech republic. of course, poland has much much higher mountains in the high tatras region as poland's highest mountain is rysy (2499m) and is located at the SK-PL border. any conclusion? the lower silesia is always a nice place to be for us 😍
  2. there is a 2nd nice hotel lomnica castle - schloss lomnitz - palac lomnica only some 200m-300m away. the two castles (parks) are divided only by the small bobr river (bober). yes, it is really small today ... but aprox 2-4 months ago during the heavy autumn rains in south-west poland, it indeed flooded the flat castle's park and even castle's cellar, so the winery was closed and machines run day and night in order to dry the rooms out there ...
our sightseeing aka stops this time?
  • wojanow castle (schloß schildau)
  • lomnica castle (schloß lomnitz)
  • city of bolkow (bolkenhain)
  • opatow in central poland => lunch break just 1h away from lodz (PL) by car

wojanow castle (schloss schildau, palac wojanow) since 1603-1607
wojanow castle (schloss schildau, palac wojanow)
erbaut 1607 = built in 1607
the breakfast room was a horse stable (stall, stajnia) before
the swimming pool was nice, the sauna + steam bath not any special ... 
i did not try the massage / beauty facilities this time, so i cant provide
any opinion on that. in summer you could swim in a nearby lake 🐋
dinner in the castle's saloon

this is the nearby fischbach castle (karpniki), which we have visited last year
good-bye schildau aka wojanow

industrial silesia
schloss lomnitz (palac lomnica)
what a nice timber framed church in the castle's park
good-bye, lomnica castle (schloß lomnitz)

city of bolkow (bolkenhain)
bolkow (bolkenhain) castle

on the road ...
for a short time we had beautiful clouds & colors down the road 

opatow, central PL
few more beautiful clouds & colors 😀

few more pictures here.

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