Sunday, May 4, 2014

athokawe ~ raumbewusstsein spricht ~ meditation

peace of mind is important, my dears. after all that revolution, motivation of others, occupying and so on, there is also need for silence of mind. my favorite relax is hot stone massage + and especially supervised meditation by athokawe. this german language meditation is sooooo great, i always fell asleep when listening to that guys gentle voice and stuff my mind sometimes can't / want not follow.

athokawe => raumbewusstsein => website

there are also articles, videos, a youtube channel, a crash course, ... but my favorite are the supervised meditations. you can download many of them for free. if you donate some money, you will get an extra password / link in order to access even more stuff there. my favorite is the 1st audio file, einführung, 32 minutes .. und meine lieblingsstelle ist die mit der tiefe des ozeans vs. welle an der oberfläche :-)

eine hörprobe => geniesst es :-) =>

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