Monday, May 1, 2023

MayDay 2023

MayDay / international workers' day / long live the working class / workers of the world unite 💟

may,1st is since 1889 the day of the traditional workers' fight for their rights because of the events at haymarket 1st-4th may 1886 in chicago (scroll down for the coverage of the 1886 events).

my perception today
MayDay by google today

there are usually 2 events in the center of munich:

marienplatz: the mainstream labor unions DGB, verdi, polizei-gewerkschaft (police labor union), IGM, normally also the mayor of munich + professional music, food, beer, ... all of that supports 'the system', you know? why? we've seen it during the corona lockdowns in 2020 + 2021 as they cancelled the 1st of May event completely due to governments guidelines ... so sad 😓

rindermarkt: anarchist (FAU) & communist (KPD, FDJ) & young people trade unions, which are against 'the system' and pro peace in the ukraine & pro international workers solidarity & the like => that's why there is also a vast numbers of highly armed police forces against us demostrants.

i like the spirit of both events, so i march with the young & revolutinary people through the streets and then eat some food from volXküche (food for free, but donation is appreciated 😆), listen to some music at marienplatz


  • a anti anticapitalista, a anti anticapitalista, a anti ...
  • hoch, die, internationale solidarität ... hoch, die, internationale solidarität
  • deutsche waffen, deutsches geld, morden mit in aller welt
  • 1. Mai, straße frei, nieder mit der polizei ...

my last real mayday event due to 'anti corona' measures & lockdowns was in 2019

both, in 2020 and in 2021 it was officially not allowed to make a demo / celebration and the mainstream labor unions like DGB, verdi, IGM even cancelled the traditional mayday event. not so the communist, anarchist, marxist and some youth organizations. we just came 'by coincidence' at same time to the same place ... and yes, the police was already there 😇. of course, our demos were much more difficult, but really nice if you asked me ... in 2021 we've met in front of a court buildng and highly appreciated the adjudgement of one judge from weimar against the government's position in some corona related law suit ... and then met the other worker activists at the anarchists assembly point at rindermarkt ...

... only the nazis under hitler and the current 'corona-dictators' which is an alliance of WEF + WHO + RKI + our corrupt government managed to prohibit the gathering of workers at the international workers day in munich. well, the celebration & demo were forbidden, but it was allowed to walk in the streets by keeping the 1,5m distance. so we just did so 👿 ... germany is quite liberal, you see? in some other countries they would probably beat, capture + shoot on demonstrants, wouldn't they?

marienplatz münchen
soooo much rain ⛆
MayDay 2023, rindermarkt münchen
MayDay 2023, rindermarkt münchen
there is no green capitalism
volXküche. food for free, but donation is appreciated 😆
freiheitsgedanken @instagram
dirty mainstream media 😨
this fellow on the pedestal is the killed police officer 👮, not one of the many
by police killed workers or one of the 8 activists 👥 sentenced to death by corrupt state

more info on the historic event, the haymarket riot on may 4th, 1886 in chicago when a protest against anti-labor police brutality turned violent. was it really a riot? or was it more likely a provocation & false flag action by the police at a time when the most out of the 2,000 striking workers (& all key note speakers & the mayor of chicago) went already home, the rain came and only about 500 workers were still there?

anarchists leader august spies: "the day will come when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you are throttling today."

may 4th, 1886, chicago. source:

more pictures here.

tags: #MayDay #InternationalWorkersDay #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite #workingclass #workers #arbeiterklasse  #arbeitertag

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