Sunday, April 14, 2024

fockenstein, 1564m ~ hiking in bavaria, BY

my father visits me in munich for a week, so it's tme for hiking + drinking beer in tourists locations, isnt it? 

last time in we have enjoyed a winter hiking tour at lake spitzingsee. this time we have'd really good luck with the weather conditions as it was sunny and +25 degrees celsius🌞 for 2 days. then the next 2 weeks again rainy & snowy with temperatures between +10 and -1 degrees ⛄

the object of our dreams today were the auer alm 1270m + the fockenstein mountain 1564m. we've started from the hikers' parking slot in the söllbachtal valley in bad wiessee at lake tegernsee. our total attitude was 804 height metres. not bad for two that untrained fellows like us, wouldnt you say?

fockenstein, 1564m

way up: söllbach hikers' parking area at 760m in bad wiessee, söllbach creek valley (söllbachklause), auer alm cottage 1270m, fockenstein 1564m.

way down: fockenstein, auer alm, zeiselbach creek, sonnenbichl alm, söllbachtal parking.

söllbach creek
on the road ...
1st stage reached - auer alm (1270m)
we've had 1 hour break at the aueralm cottage
2nd stage started ...
a little bit higher there was still some snow out there ...
beautiful bavarian alps
fockenstein, summit cross, 1564 m
two of us up there and the auer alm + lake tegernsee far & deep below us
mr. bird (some raven or chough?)
zeiselbach creek
lake tegernsee as seen from its western waterside at bad wiessee

what about bavarian beer 🍻 this time? well, we have visited:

  • the oldest guesthouse in the munich area - the alter wirt in obermenzing (since 1417)
  • beergarden at lake langwieder see
  • the augustiner cellar, hackerbrücke

=> so i'll update that pictures in my bavarian bavarian beer blog from last november, shouldn't i?

more pictures here.

more bavarian lakes? here 🐳

Saturday, April 6, 2024

zugspitze, DE-BY, 2963m

there were plus 27°C in munich this early april and we have decided to feel the real winter at the snowy zugspitze (2963m, somewhere ele 2962m), instead. just to close my above average skiing season accordingly, you know? btw, you still remember my sellaronda & plose experience in soouth tirol earlier this year? ☃

i've been skiing at zugspitze in early february, too. thus there will be few older pictures as well. will you call the difference? 😄

view from the zugspitze to the south. it is still in bavaria, but the
distant mountains on the right side behind are already in tirol (austria).
zugspitze, ski area zugspitzplatt (weißes tal, the white valley)
spring in garmisch-partenkirchen (GaPa)
the church of grainau => left to right: alpspitze, waxenstein, zugspitze.
waxenstein is in the front, so this massif looks even bigger than its
two much higher fellows. lets call it the wonder of perspective 😇
up there today
brunntal valley as seen from the old platter lift (schlepplift)
the weather forecast for today + the best of all wives?
two of us
mr. chamois (gams)
the small chapel out there
lunch time 300m below the summit (center) and the meteorological
station at the schneeferner mountain above the restaurant (left)
schneeferner mountain
the very top. here germany meets austria, you know?
bavaria = bayern, BY, germany DE
tirol, austria, AT
lake eibsee, bayern
mr. jackdaw aka hr. dohle (alpendohle = alpine chough)
the igloo hotel. ice cold ⛇
soooo nice up there, you know?
the snow covered top of the wetterwandeck mountain
wetterwandeck (right) + weisses tal (= the white valley)
skiing on february, 3rd ... i've checked the weather few days before, of course ...
good-bye, zugspitze 💖

more pictures here.

zugspitze, a year ago, april 30th, 2023.