Saturday, September 25, 2021

george orwell - animal farm

after george orwell's 1984 and the for me a little bit nicer to read huxley's brave new world, i've managed to read orwell's dystopia animal farm on vacation in croatia. of course, i knew it will not be anything what could improve my mood, but in light of the current more and more absurd and despotic corona-measures i simply was interested what world orwell pictured to us in his famous novel ... will we get some kind of a vaccination, corona or CO2 dictatorship soon? LET'S STOP IT TILL IT IS NOT TOO LATE, dear comrades 😇

  • orwell's book refers to stalin's soviet union
  • written 1943-1944, first published after the end of the british - soviet 'war friendship' in 1945
  • while reading it, i felt like in the old CSSR and GDR/DDR, EUdSSR, USSR/UdSSR
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  • after the animals at the manor farm took the power from the human owners over, they soon built a politburo (the pigs), police (the dogs), (masterminded) education, ... and soon was the working life for all others (horses, cows, sheep, hens, ...) worse than before 😓
  • revolutionary song called "Beasts of England"
  • four legs good, two legs bad
  • old major, snowball, napoleon, minimus, squealer, boxer, clover, benjamin, .... 
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  • lessons learned? Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ ☼ N => new rulers/leaders, but often the same (or worse) circumstances for the people. so sad ...
  • tomorrow there is a federal election in germany. well, i will try to choose the less evil and entomb (begraben) my voice in a ballot box (urne) for the next 4 years. they call it 'parliamentary democracy'. what about a real democracy, free societies and a world without politics, war and exploitation?
  • orwell's last interview 'A Call to Remember' ... the future? like a boot in human face forever ... our duty? we must not allow it to happen 😃😃😃

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