at our way from the polish baltic sea back home to munich, we've visited few sites in the czech republic (bohemia + moravia), CZ:
- nachod (moravia) ~ we have been to nachod castle 3 years ago, today we've visited nachod's city center
- brandys nad labe = brandeis an der elbe (bohemia) - a small city with a quite nice castle and quite ugly market square at the labe river (elbe) ... btw, brandeis could be translated from german as 'burning ice' => just see the pictures of the 'icy ice' road between brandeis and liblice and our car in the trench (graben) below ⛄🚗🍀
- liblice castle (bohemia) - my wife liked our stay here last summer that much that i couldnt book any other accomodation for the stop over. this time we have been in the main castle building, so i could at least to some point experience new here 😄
ice on the road close before our final destination liblice castle 😨
it will be dark soon ...
liblice castle (hotel)
marble hall, liblice castle, CZ
nachod, market square
nachod, town hall
do you see the nachod castle above the city?
brandys nad labe ~ brandeis an der elbe, CZ
labe river (elbe)
market square + town hall, brandys ~ brandeis
some village on the road between brandys and liblice
babylon, sumava (böhmerwald) mountains, CZ-DE border
back home in bavaria ...
3,000+ km in 3 weeks? heaven & hell ... let's recapiltulate the other stops:
- carlsbad - karlsbad, CZ
- wojanow castle (schloß schildau) in lower silesia, PL
- lodz + ruda bugaj + alexandrow lodzki, central poland, PL
- swiece (schwetz an der weichsel) ~ castle of the german order / teutonic knights at the wisla river (zamek krzyzacki, deutschordenschloss) + nice city center. anyway, if you can, visit better the just 100 km distand teutonic marienburg (malbork) castle 😉
- leba, baltics, PL
- tczew nad wisla ~ dierschau an der weichsel, PL
- kluczbork ~ kreuzburg ~ creutzburg ~ creuzburg in upper silesia, PL
- moszna castle ~ schloss moschen (hotel) - close to opole (oppeln), upper silesia, PL
very few more pictures from liblice + brandys + nachod here.
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