item--------------: silver
units--------------: 1
trade type--------: long
order type--------: market buy / limit sell
entry date--------: 03/13/2009, 17:14
entry price-------: $13.22
initial stop loss--: $12.77
new stop-loss----:
exit date---------: 03/16/2009, 14:44
exit price---------: $12.77
profit (loss) in %-: (3.4%)
profit (loss)------: ($45)
reason why + strategy: silver is in my opinion so unbelievable cheap and the financial crisis is out there! damned hell, do i really need some other reason for that trade? no, i do not! let's bet some money on my opinion! folks, i would like to hold this position very, very, very long. how long? at least till silver reaches its 2008's temporary high @ 21 dollars, that would mean a profit of about 800 bucks on that single position! well, my current account size is too small to risk a (possible!) temporary decrease in silver price, especially because the usd could strengthen against its small dirty paper buddy €uro. how low could the (comex) paper silver price fall? IMHO e.g. to the november/december lows bellow $9. that would mean a loss of about $500 for my account which is too much considering that my overall account balance is just $2,000.
lessons learned: ... even if the silver price fell just $0.02 bellow my limit and climbed up again, let's ALWAYS use stop limits :o)
units--------------: 1
trade type--------: long
order type--------: market buy / limit sell
entry date--------: 03/13/2009, 17:14
entry price-------: $13.22
initial stop loss--: $12.77
new stop-loss----:
exit date---------: 03/16/2009, 14:44
exit price---------: $12.77
profit (loss) in %-: (3.4%)
profit (loss)------: ($45)
reason why + strategy: silver is in my opinion so unbelievable cheap and the financial crisis is out there! damned hell, do i really need some other reason for that trade? no, i do not! let's bet some money on my opinion! folks, i would like to hold this position very, very, very long. how long? at least till silver reaches its 2008's temporary high @ 21 dollars, that would mean a profit of about 800 bucks on that single position! well, my current account size is too small to risk a (possible!) temporary decrease in silver price, especially because the usd could strengthen against its small dirty paper buddy €uro. how low could the (comex) paper silver price fall? IMHO e.g. to the november/december lows bellow $9. that would mean a loss of about $500 for my account which is too much considering that my overall account balance is just $2,000.
lessons learned: ... even if the silver price fell just $0.02 bellow my limit and climbed up again, let's ALWAYS use stop limits :o)
- 03/19/2009:
thx goodness i've opened a new long silver position yesterday .... well, it was late in the evening after i've returned from my office job and after silver rallied 4%, but today rallied silver additional 5%. yabbadabbadooo !!!
Hi, i just found your blog and i really like it, very interesting.i think gold its good investment these day. Nurul
hey jaro,
schau dir mal das an:
heyy folks,
thx goodness i've opened a new long silver position yesterday .... well, it was late in the evening after i've returned from my office job and after silver rallied 4%, but today rallied silver additional 5% :o)
hi valentin,
ich habe den artikel überflogen, es sah für mich aber eher nach werbung aus als nach einer seriösen analyse, sogar der firmenname war irgendwie komisch :-). aber vielleicht täuscht mich mein bauchgefühl ...
ich habe schon paar verdammt abgestürzte zinkwerte: scorpio mining, acadian mining, aquila resources und etwas zink haben sicherlich auch noch die großen xstrata, bhp, rio tinto, ....
ich schaue mir am wochenende lieber diese getränke-leute aus deinem portfolio an (hansen)
ja wer weiß, vielleicht hast du so analysen sollte man immer sehr sehr vorsichtig umgehen!
was ich auch noch interessant finde ist folgendes unternehmen: Deckers Outdoor(innovativ, gute wachstumszahlen, und günstig bewertet)
hey jaro, ich hab mir gerade Gold Corp. genauer angeschaut. weisst du was mich wundert: warum geht es dem unternehmen nicht vviiieel besser (haben so wie ich das sehe ziemliche cash probleme ect.), weil ja der goldkurs schon bei fast 1000 $ steht!?
lg und schönen sonntag
hi valentin,
goldcorp? es ist doch alles klar bei denen und der kurs in der nähe des all-time-high, oder? ... goldcorp ist ist, soviel ich weiß, der gr0ßproduzent mit den niedrigsten cashkosten pro unze ...
ps: ich glaube, ich bin doch eher ein micro-cap investor! ich war heute bei einer firmenpräsentation von meinem portfoliowert u. tantal-explorer commerce res., jetzt werde ich die paar verbliebenen investment-€uros vermutlich statt irgendwelcher blue chips doch lieber in eine kombination aus zimtu capital, commerce resources, evolving gold, western potash, tripledragon stecken ;o)
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