=> watch out! die inflationary monster out there :-) ... btw, do you have enough gold, silver, real estate, farm land, picasso on the wall and all the other hard assets ALREADY?
why? because our chief monetary advisors act like that:
the european money-printer (ECB) are not any better than ben bernanke :-(. btw, bernanke's helicopter can't avoid recession and in reality he would need many B52 bomber to dispose all that money he already added to the system :(
or would you like the chief money printer appearing like this?
... or even as god and money as our single religion? no, that would be too much, isn't it?
Hölle, so viele neue nette Hinweise! Das Problem ist nur, Bernanke (Busch + Obama-Administration) zu werfen, dass. das Geld vor allem an der Wall Street, nicht an der Hauptstraße! btw, es in Europa gibt keinen Unterschied, dass. seltsame Vertriebssystem :-(
Warum müssen wir Steuern zahlen zulassen, dass. Leute? es ist unsere (Steuer-) Geld, nicht wahr? Der homo sapiens ist soooo dumm o:(
agriculture + gold/silver + renewable energy :-)
... + major commodity stocks (bhp, vale, rio tinto, petrobras, ...) for the long run?
added 2 more pictures about benflation :)
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