Saturday, March 10, 2012

StrengthsFinder occupies Ohlstadt, chakka!

folks, i've just spent 2 nice days in ohlstadt / bavaria trying to find any strengths inside my personality via clifton's gallup strengtsfinder approach ... not easy, my dears😃

source: here ;-)

yep, that was a work-life-balance team event where 3 groups of our department joined together  for a personality development and team work improving workshop. well, based on the gallup's StrengthsFinder test there were 34 talents and we have evaluated the top 5 of ours and spoke 2 days about it. well, now i know which colleague is best for which tasks based on his/her strengths and yes, we are going 2 concentrate only on strengths and even improving them. who cares about weaknesses?

of course, i've welcomed the opportunity to present my #OccupyWallStreet + OccupyYourStreet + OccupyTogether + PEACE + SaveThePlanet ideas in front of such a big audience (approx 25 folks) when i've introduced myself, my hobbies + goals + etc :-)

could i win 'the middle class' for the occupy / real-democracy-now movement? not really, my dears ;-(. for this i would probably need some other strengths, i think ... of course, there were few fellows who later told me how nice my goals + how admirable my passion is, but i don't think they will march on may 12th through the streets of munich .... i guess they will only act if THEY THEMSELVES are hit by some inconvenience / job loss / poverty / etc ... friends, don't worry, our current western fiscal + monetary policies will teach them to feel the pain not later than the fraudulent fiat money system breaks apart, anyway :-)

what about my talents / strengths? here we go, see my (not by occurrence) top down arranged house of talents (for english see the 2nd picture below):
strategie, kontext, (ver-)bindungsfähigkeit, selbstbewußtsein, autorität
hell, is that true that i have no green talents? damn, have i really only a lot of pink ones (strategy) but no 'doing' capabilities? ok, lets try 2 establish some alliances. any green people out there? my talents/strengths in english? here we go (to find @ or directly here):
damn, in english do my talents sound somehow different, don't they?
btw, that are all 34 defined strengths grouped by colors green, yellow, blue, pink ... and if u asked me, just black (humor) is missing in the galup world 😎
a part of ohlstadt close to our hotel:
6 more pics? here :-)

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