Monday, July 28, 2014

mahnwache für frieden = montagsdemo, die nächste :-)

so einfach? klar doch.

soooo, paar festgehaltene momente ... und ja, es war wieder mal 'ne schöne friedliche demo für den frieden ... hoffentlich sind wir bald hunderttausende oder besser millionen auf der straße und stoppen das symbolische 1%, welches sich politik + mainstreanmedien kaufen kann und mit unseren (steuer-)geldern kriege + naturzerstörung im irrglaube des wirtschaftlichen wachstums rund um den globus betreibt ... zeit wird's :-)
friede kann nur in freiheit bestehen
prinz chaos ll
 friedensaktivisten/innen groß + klein :-)
 morgaine, kilez more, prinz chaos ll ~ sooooo, hätte mir doch jemand früher sagen können, daß ich den blitz anmachen soll :-)
TV = Totale Verblödung (kilez more)
 spirituelle einlage => sooo toll :-)
 botschaft für die ost-ukraine
super gastvortrag vom stephane aus leipzig

mehr fotos (von den letzten paar malen) in meinem g+ album


Saturday, July 26, 2014

gaza 2014

the idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world ~ dr. paul farmer
source here

demo for peace and against genocide in gaza (2014 is not any different as was the murder in 2012, if you asked me ...)
the soooo dangerous hamas rocket in the top of the picture (source: here)

few decades ago ... ... it is not any different today 😓
source: here

few of the slogans ~ so true, so sad
  • Palästina ist in Not, viele Kinder sind schon tot. 
  • Israel bombardiert, Deutschland finanziert. 
  • Merkel, Merkel schau doch zu! Kinder sterben, was tust du?
  • Deutsche Waffen, deutsches Geld, morden mit in aller Welt.
  • Bomben, Bomben treffen Ziel, alle Opfer sind zivil. 
a short video (11 seconds) from the peace march in munich:

few pictures:


whatever i dress, wherever i go, yes is yes and no is no. ... yes my dears, it is as easy as that.
source: the event site @ facebook here

btw, the slutwalk movement begun 2011 in toronto ... after a policeman suggested that women should avoid dressing like sluts as a precaution against unwanted sexual attention. (read more on wikipedia)

few pictures from the march against (sexual) violence through the streets of munich ... #slutwalk2014
no one is illegal ~ is there the refugee orga team on start? refugees strike 2013:

Sunday, July 20, 2014

ron paul on MH17

ron paul on flight MH17 ...

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17 / MAS17) was a scheduled international passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that crashed on 17 July 2014 ... so sad, the civil plane was shot down over eastern ukraine on ... so wise, my dears, just read his short opinion:

source: here

and yes, the western propaganda works fine: the pro-russian 'rebels' did it ... CNN knew it few seconds after the crash, didn't it?
source: here

btw, few folks said putin was on his way back from south america (brazil) only some 20 minutes away from the crash  .... hmmmm, was it ukrainian army who shot down the wrong plane? or less conspiracious, maybe only because the plane has chosen a wrong direction (to escape a storm?) and the ukrainian army thought the 'rebels' have got a plane yet which must be destroyed? in any case, it looks like the tragedy happened by mistake. the MH17 was not the intended target, if you asked me ... who knows?