Sunday, April 23, 2017

munich's museums

what to do on a rainy sunday in munich? well, it is always a good idea to visit one of the many munich's museums. the state owned museums provide a reduced entry fee for only 1 euro per person on sundays, so it is also not expensive, my dears :-)

bayerisches nationalmuseum (bavarian national museum):

however, i wanted to write this blog post last year as we visited the residenz museum with friends (that nice guided historical tour was a birthday gift for me) and the völkerkunde-museum with my wife + eldest daughter within few weeks. we also tried to visit the bavarian national museum with my wife, but it was a nice sunny day, so we just made many pictures from outside and continued to walk in the nearby english gardens at the river isar. today we finally managed to visit the national museum from inside, too :-)
  • residenz (residence of the bavarian kings) ~ pictures see below
  • völkerkundemuseum about nations around the world - the (only) nice parts were polynesia/micronesia and the special exhibition about myanmar, so we decided to visit myanmar this year ~ pictures see below
  • lange nacht der museen - at the long night of munich's museum we especially visited the beer museum and a guided historical tour through the old city center
  • nymphenburg castle accommodates especially paintings + the nearby educative men & nature (children) museum (mensch & natur), where we were really often with our daughters when they were small
  • MVG museum (public transportation) is the new home of the gold & silver show edelmetallmesse
  • BMW museum ~ more pictures coming soon?
  • bayerisches nationalmuseum (bavarian national museum), enjoy few pictures:
völkerkundemuseum (08/2016):
polynesia / micronesia
north america
residenz (08/2016)
sooooo nice and so interesting. we have had a historical guided tour with friends, i liked most the proverbs our guide explained us like (in german, of course):
  • auf der langen bank sitzen
  • tafelsilber
  • alles in butter
  • usw
more pictures here.

Monday, April 17, 2017

sadhguru on life & more

there are many people in the world asking what is life about, why are they here, what is karma (vs. free choice), what is next and so on ... if you asked me, SADHGURU really has the talent to put it straight and in really funny way => highly recommended :-)

you can follow him on facebook or at his isha foundation in order to learn more about many interesting topics in (spiritual) life and/or get practical advice on many things which can you help in your daily life

ENJOY few quotes/videos from jaggi vasudev aka sadhguru:
“Too many people are hungry not because there is dearth of food. It is because there is dearth of love and care in human hearts.”

The unfortunate reality in the world is, most people will know peace only with #death. It is time you do something about it in #life.
If there is love in your heart, it will guide you through your life. Love has its own intelligence.

Our Environment is Our Life
what about few short videos? 
#1sadhguru on fear

#2 (miracle of life, breathing, most important thing in life is to be alive, to live as a joyful human being, try to stop breathing, ... i hope i will find this short+funny video, too). you know what? here is a video with similar message:

#3 ten quotes

#4 sadhguru on marriage, intelligence hijacked by hormones, children (20-year-project), ...

#5 sadhguru on joy and happiness

#6 sadhguru on karma, especially on this moment's karma

#7 sadhruru on mother earth (SAVE the WORLD)

#8 sadhguru on bhagavad gita

as you see, in some way or the other way, i'm still influenced by our last year's india journey

more from sadhguru / sadguru / sad guru? here we go, enjoy few quotations from his daily newsletter

Saturday, April 15, 2017

ostermarsch für frieden ~ easter march for peace

again in the street for peace ~ easter march 2017 in many german cities, here few pictures from munich (otermarsch für frieden, münchen). 

übrigens, wenn wir schon beim thema frieden-krieg sind, hier ein link auf eine mega-gute-erklärung für den syrienkrieg vom prof. daniele ganser in 5 minuten (pipeline aus dem katarisch-iranischem gasfeld über syrien ... die katarische pipeline hat assad abgelehnt, nun steht ein regimechange und 'assad muß weg' auf der NATO- und sunnitischen agenda)
wer waffen liefert, sät krieg und erntet terror (und flüchtlinge)
immer gerne zitiert ~ albert einstein
 so true! :-)
5 of us for peace
hexenmord im mittelalter ... verdammt, wieso sind wir menschen so verdammt intolerant und blutrünstig? (war inquisition der versuch damaliger 'wissenschaft' andersdenkende abzuschlachten? vgl. heather marsh)
more pictures here
#ostermarsch2017 #eastermarchforpeace