folks, u thought if the title is that long, there is no need to write the body of the message, isnt it? well, its not that simple! first of all, good-bye my lovely 5th biggest and 2nd or 3rd most succesful investment ever, good-bye cbh resources (~base metals in australia) ...
pls dont tell me 'ride your winners and sell your losers', selling cbh was hard enough 4 me ... well, the take-over bid is there, the price is fixed @ AUD 0.24 and there is no reason 2 keep that position any longer i think .... of course, that price still 50% below its pre-crash-2008-level and the AUD could rise against the poor €uro a little bit further till july (~ take-over deadline if 90% of shareholder will agree to toho zinc's offer)... i dont think there will be a new (higher!) bid price in the future as the belgian nyrstar and japanese toho increased their offers already 2 or 3 times, u know? i even think, if the take-over doesnt take place in july cbh's share price would collapse badly ...
so, lets take the chance of byuing few new companies cheaper than expected cos the recent micro correction in the golden rally (the price of gold fell from its recent all-time-high $1,250 to $1,170 and is back to $1,213) and also small correction in the general stock market (DJIA is down approx 10%) in the last 10-15 days caused that many, many, many precious metals explorers and junior producers are down 15 - 30% and few even more (one of my 'heroes', levon resources is 50% down!!! thats prolly cos of its huuuuge gains before, so the investors who dont wanna admit they were wrong (poor gamblers?) sold levon 'taking' a profit i assume :-). thx for that nice buying opportunities, mr. market, thx :-)
btw, wanna know what does faith mean in investor's decision taking? just look at the dates and volumes ive add 2 my initial play which started in march 2007. here few shares and there next few of them if the family budget allowed some new investment funds ... thats what i call value investing, u know?
(i will change the screen shot for a new one with 'my' price €0.16 instead of current €0.158 next week if possible)
did i told u i hate taxes a lot? no? imagine as told right now :). damned hell, all profits on stocks/options/etc bought since january 2009 are subject of approx 28-30% tax in germany. well, now u can understand why ive spent my last 87 €uros on the 30.12.2008, the very last tax-free day of my life :). ok, my gross profit was approx 3,000 €uros, thus approx €700 was tax, i still own the very last 1,500 shares which ive moved 2 a different account last year but the 52% loss (= 250 euros) on them will not reduce my taxes because the purchase date was in 2007 ... im not going to sell that stocks because of the 10 or 15 €uros of commission, ive just agreed to toho's offer and hope they will pay out the money without charging any additional fees/commissions ...
what abt my new involvements?
what abt my new involvements?
- greystar resources - gold in colombia, cheap like an unwanted pet cos of some (major!) environmental/political problems with local colombian authorities
- SQM or do u like SOC.QUIMICA Y MIN.DE CHILE SA better? -hmmmm, bought straight forward out of my watchlist cos recognized of one of my favorite decision patterns i.e. price approx 20-30% below recent highs + progressive dividend payer (dividend increases every year). well, when i wanted to look-up which metals they produce in the evening, i wondered like crazy when i saw SQM is an iodine + potash (~fertilizer) producer :-). ok, my 'food investments' division [western potash, K+S (kali+salz ~ the huge german potash producer), burcon nutrascience, ADM, KWS saat, nestle ...] welcomes a new member, so what?
- rocmec mining - gold in canada, a small increase of existing position, investment pattern? collapsed price vs. good news flow
- halo resources - gold in canada, a small increase of existing position, investment pattern? collapsed price vs. good news flow (btw, thats not a copy & paste error :o)
- ?
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- .... a loooong weekend in between ....
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- ??
- ??? (dont worry, i will resolve that enigma next week :-)
- ??
- ?
- soltoro ltd - silver & gold in mexico, one of my (former!) watch list positions, great pattern (cheap compared 2 previous levels without any negative news), the stock was 19% up today, by accident was my 2nd (smaller) buy order (quoted CAD 0.25) deleted by my broker and i didnt read their corresponding email (i never do from my employer's office), the stock closed 10% higher @ CAD 0.275 ... well, im not sure if i should try 2 get it @ CAD 0.25 tomorrow or prolly buy some other stock?
- amerigo resources - copper & molybdenum in chile, increased existing portfolio position
- scorpio mining - silver & zinc & lead in mexico, increased existing portfolio position
- sued-chemie - special chemistry in munich/germany => my next AGM candidate! a completely crazy stock! there is nearly NO TRADING VOLUME at all!!! 2day there were just 124 shares sold in whole germany! on friday none (my order was not filled as well)! there ist mostly no bid quote (=no possibility 2 buy) out there, there is always a strange ask quote with no relation 2 previous day and even without any relation to general market movement, very strange shareholder structure: JP morgan chase owns 50.4% of the company (hell, what does that mean?!?!?!? hell, is it prolly even some 'strong hands' group of people represented by some JPM's fund?), 3 more groups/families with approx 10%, me with 2 shares, there are 15.8% of free-floating shares => very very strange, isnt it?), IMHO it looks like if some group of folks is baiting the remaining shareholders (lets collect all shares at given level and increase the price the next day 2 collect next available shares ... soooo strange, u know? ... well, the earnings in crashy 2009 were not much lower than company's average but there was no dividend at all (=> the next false trick in order 2 shake the weak hands out?), btw, a former colleague of mine works at sued-chemie and she believes the company is doing well .... last but not least, we are not speaking abt a pennystock right now! sued-chemie is a giant established back in 1857, with 6,500 employees and revenues of €1.2 billion. btw, ive paid 100 €uros per share + commissions on the 1st opportunity where there was an ask quote out there and thus 5 €uros more than a week ago initially intended (~all-time-high @ approx 109 was reached few weeks ago) ... well, lets visit their AGM next year and lets look at these strange folks a little bit closer :-)
- ?
- ??
- ??? (.... a short night in between. hell, its soooo late again :-( . + still some money left for 1 or 2 additional positions :-)
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- ?
- aurizon mines - gold production in queebec / canada. motto? the best place to find in a gold mine. folks, i dont think so ... u know ive been in a gold mine already, its not that easy there! what abt fort knox? sorry 4 that! just a stupid joke. of course, there is no gold in fort knox anymore :-)
- penn west energy trust - ive increased my stake in that canadian gas + oil producer, steadily monthly dividends, a lean-back-and-enjoy long term investment ...
that investment stuff is sooo easy 

addendum 05/31/2010: greystarrrrrrrr! folks, im both, a lucky alien and stupid idiot, u know? well, my intergalactic stock analysis (see the original blog post above ;-) told me 2 buy greystar resources on friday and 2day (~the very next trading session!) is the stock+44.41% uuuuuuup! of course, a positive decision on that strange colombian environmental issue ... why am i a stupid idiot as well? hell, ive bought only 100 shares (approx 300 €uros) and not 10m instead? any lessons learned? yep, im going 2 study the famous ‘fat finger’ technique, promised!
btw, how does investor luck look like?
btw, how does bad luck look like? well, it looks the same ... in case you have bought before the crash and sold after cos of some stupid stop-loss-limits or the like ... luck is always just matter of perspective, u know?
eom ;-( ... end of money
eof :-) ... end of file
1 comment:
bought few more penn west (PWT) shares through my lynx brokers account 2day cos i like the idea abt the monthly dividends soooo much and hope the dividends will balance my often over-extended trading account some time :-)
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