Saturday, December 31, 2011

performance 2011 = pain, pain, pain ;-(

what an ugly year at the financial markets!
source: facebook

what the hell happened with me and the markets in 2011? well, the base of my former success, the (steady) rising gold + silver + commodities prices, was not the only difference this time .... unlike the last few years, in 2011 was the gold silver rally in late august unfortunately OVER with an all-time-high @ $1,921 just read my euphoric comment(s) + watch the funny screen shots as the gold price crossed the 1,900 burden ... and later on came the 2008-like-crash in mining stock prices ;-(

if u dont understand why im gonna separate between trading and investing results, its because traders and investors are 2 different species of our dear homo sapiens financialis. just think abt it for a second or two ...

traders = paranoid dreamers who fight against insiders, against political manipulators (eg interventions of central banks in the currency + bond markets), often even against fundamental conditions and own believes in order to snap off few bucks out of short-term movements of the financial markets. (jaro gruber)

investors = stupid idiots who sell their stocks even for a price next to nothing and then wonder why fell 'the markets' that low (jaro gruber)

of course, both traders and investors if they succeed have to pay taxes, support the society and oppose their ugly bloodsucking speculator image made by politics & mainstream media in order to direct the public outrage away from politicians. what if they lose? easy, then they lose their own money and nobody cares abt them .... go homo sapiens financialis go :)
  • my micro trading account: approx 2-3% of all funds; commodity CFDs (natural gas, silver, wheat, orange juice, coffee, sugar, corn, rice, ...). yes, my swing + position trading worked quite fine again, ive made 6k €uros from january till july, which means a YTD trading-performance of +82.5% in 2011, my 2nd best result ever, next to crazy +347% in 2010 ... not bad, isnt it? btw, my peak performance mark was above +10k in june, but then ive lost 4k in 4 days while on holidays. of course, u can go through the july blog post linked above if u are interested in trading psychology issues :-). after the worldwide stock exchanges and my broker consequently increased the margin requirements (e.g. in silver CFDs +700%) and i was forced to provide much much much more money in order to keep a similar line of open positions, ive decided to quit my trading completely. the 2nd reason to quit was my (absolutely wrong) assumption that the gold/silver mining stocks are going to take off and rally for the rest of the year and thus ive mobilized all financial resources i could get .... what a mistake! btw, im not disappointed abt my decision. why not? damn, cos of my hyper-inflationary scenario i was commodities long only but the markets reacted more like in 2008 which means there was panic all over the board (commodities, equities, the most sovereign bonds, ....) and i would definitely lose money, just look at the development of commodity prices since summer till now. well, lets move to the investing part of my 'performance'.
  • my investing account(s): approx 97-98% of all funds; mostly gold + silver + commodity stocks, few energy stocks (esp. green energy), few internet + technology stocks, 1 silver ETF (~ my cash position), 2 different oil call options (one sold in november). PAIN + PAIN + PAIN ... except the first 2.5 months ive felt like in the crashy 2008, u know? there was such a selling pressure in late march, may, july, september, october, november, december ... OMD ;( ... i had to sell few of my positions and few others have been sold by my broker because of margin calls in the sept/oct crash etc and so fort ...  well, the balance of my actions in 2011 was approx plus 60 €uros including my tax loss selling of my silver ETF on xmas eve at a loss of 4.7k in order 2 reduce the tax impacts of my remaining trading/investing profits ... not 2 bad u think? wrong, wrong, wrong my friends ... the problem are the open positions, u know? well, ive lost close to 100k of last year's fictive profits .... it hurts like hell .... of course, i consider my investing account rather as 'numbers' and not as 'money', but 100k could easily buy a new car and leave 50k for additional purchase of mining stocks at these soooooooo depressed levels ... it hurts like hell again ... what to do know? nothing, what else? yep, our 11 years old car cant go into a museum yet and has to survive a year or 2 longer, who cares?
any additional insights? well, after the tax payers all over the rescued the big banks in 2008/2009 the financial crisis turned into sovereign debt crisis (greece, irland, usa, italy, ...); the nuclear disaster in fukushima/japan was not bad enough in order to quit usage of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons (NATO's uranium ammunition 'left' all over the war places); the senseless western colonial wars continued in iraq, afghanistan, libya, .... ; the exorbitant western agricultural subsidies caused additional bankruptcies of farmers in 3rd world and thus hunger + starvation again (esp eastern africa ... btw, the situation there is so hopeless that few desperate folks try to survive as pirates ... OMD, pirates in 21th century!!!); the CIA financed arab spring movement caused revolutions in tunisia, egypt, syria, .... and finally, there is a big big BIG HOPE for 2012+ as the #OccupyWallStreet movement started in NYC and could spread itself around the globe. finally do people like u and me claim for justice + freedom + real democracy + a new society ruled by people and not by huge corporations & illuminati & corrupt governments ...

any lessons learned in 2011? the financial markets are not a one-way-road.

my outlook for 2012+ is not much different from previous years ... the fiat money crisis will continue and become worse and worse until the #OccupyWallStreet movement finally replaces the ruling 'elites' by real democracy and the fraudulent paper money system will be replaced by else, prolly by gold/silver backed currency(ies)

what to say after my whole financial mess is completely revealed and 2011 is in few hours over? what abt a slogan as every year? ok. merry crisis + happy new fear! huhhhhh? not pessimistic enough? ok, my 2nd trial: merry xmas + happy new year + occupy2012, my friends ;-)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

skiing with my youngest daughter

folks, u have probably thought all my life is about #OccupyWallStreet, havent u? no it isnt .. ive been skiing at zugspitze, the top of germany (2,962m [= 9,718 ft], skiing area up to 2600 meters) on the border to austria with my youngest daughter 2day ...

the weather was a catastrophy cos approx 95% of the time there was such an ugly fog we couldnt see each other. well, the reason weve changed our plan and went to the glacier at the top of germany was the quite warm temperature elsewhere (-1 to +2 degrees celsius) and a danger of rain. please dont let me get started on skiing when it rains and so dont ask my eldest daughter ~ WE WILL NEVER AGAIN SKI WHEN IT RAINS ~ it is as easy as that :-)

yep, at zugspitze it was cold enough (-7 celsius) and even if both of us are not 100% healthy we have enjoyed our 1st skiing this season. wanna few mor pics? here we go, enjoy my thinny picasa album (7 pics)

#OccupyZugspitze :-)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

gonna CRASH this unfair political-military-system! how? gonna crash its MONETARY BASE ...

folks, ive seen that saaaaad saaaaad pictures + videos from egypt where police + military killed at least 11 unarmed demonstrators in the streets ... even women and folks laying on the floor without any resistance :-( ...  OMG :-((
source: facebook

... and it is not only egypt, there are similar current pictures coming from belarus (weißrussland), usa (#OccupyWallStreet protests), etc ... there is no big difference between democracies + dictatorships anymore ;-((, at least i couldnt find out any difference between belarussian & u.s. police at the picture bellow, maybe u can?  ... THEREFORE lets stop 'our' current political-military-complex ASAP ... real democracy NOW ... #OccupyWallStreet + #OccupyTogether + Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ ☼ N

source: facebook


even more shocking truth abt egypt ;-(((

so how 2 crash this political-military-system? thats easy, my dear! the most (western) countries are bankrupt, really bankrupt... how the hell they still can afford to pay its police + military, to subsidy nuclear energy/industry, to subsidy its (well selected, not all) bankrupt banks, to subsidy nature destroying biofuels and other agricultural products and last but not least even afford 2 bomb other countries as the north atlantic terror organisation (NATO) led by the USA does all over the world? its all abt paper money which can be printed at no costs and used 2 pay its soldiers, banksters, bureaucrats ;-(( ... so whats 2 do? we just have to CRASH its MONETARY BASE => lets buy gold + silver + real estate + real stuff + withdraw (most of) our money out of the banking system ... (nothing on debt, of course)  .... go gold & silver bugs go and lets crash that fraudulent undemocratic unfair fiat money system NOW!

lets start immediately, just like i did, look what a nice SILVER ive got for paper €uros yesterday ... and yes, there are many folks buying precious metals right now, my favorite coin dealer told me ... anyway, lets hope 2012 will be a better year than 2011 was ...

or do u more believe in paper money like €urope?

ps: gorbatschew warns of 3rd world war in his speach in munich on dec 10th, 2011 ... folks, lets stop the current military-political-complex before it stops the planet ,,,

Friday, December 9, 2011

investor lunch with vista gold 2day ...

a near term gold + silver producer in mexico + australia, a royalty interest in bolivia, 30% owner of midas gold corp, early stage projects in california / usa + indonesia, no debt, some cash, $125m worth of midas gold stock package, ... anyway, one of their properties in mexico (baha california) is their 'problem child' as the CEO mike told us cos of some environmental permitting issues ...

hell! poor me, all of my children are 'problem children', arent they? pls dont tell me that something always stays in the genes, my dear ... i fear it could be true :-)

so what 2 do? easy, same procedure as usual: ive bought few shares, applied 4 companys newsletter, gonna follow them on twitter / facebook / real life ... damn, ive again bought too expensive (at market opening) cos the gold & silver & mining stocks markets collapsed 2day again ;-( ... unfortunately, i mostly buy too expensive and often at market openings as i have no time + no patience to wait for the best possible entry and yes, ive sometimes also 2 do in my office job and thus cant wait for sale offers mr. market gives to the patient ... and on top i also dont have real time quotes (my broker charges it extra), so who cares? well, lets call that 'plan your trade and trade your plan' ;-)

anything else? coming soon or never :-)

go gold bugs go and lets crash the fraudulent paper money system NOW

#OccupyMunich plenum

the EineWeltHaus (EWH) aka One World House in munich

i've joined the plenum of munich's #OccupyWallStreet movement ('real democracy now' EDJM + united for global change oct 15) => OMG + OMG + OMG!

well, we have been about 30-40 people who joined in the OneWorldHouse in munich to discuss important topics, but we were not able to decide how to vote for or against anything in 2+ hours ... OMG :-( ... real democracy is difficult, my dears :-)

at least we have put 4 options together and will decide next time, besides other reasons also in order to give the other folks who couldnt be here a chance to vote as well :-). our proposals?
  • in the plenum
  • via twitter live stream
  • in the electronic poll at our website (only registered and personally known users)
  • in our facebook group (too dangerous as there could be few users with more than 1 account over-voting every important decision)
  • combination of few of this issues

anyway, everyone had a chance to participate and yes, we will speak abt the important issues next time
  • preparation of demonstration in munich on january 15th
  • administration of our facebook group
  • actions how to attract more supporters
  • xmas-party (scheduled for next week)
  • etc

anything else? coming soon or never ;-)

hell, hell, hell, what a difference! my dear, i've joined my wife's xmas party for her esoteric spiritual group lebensimpulse yesterday  ... nobody hassled, no reasons for quarrels, everyone helped to clean up the rooms afterwards and yes, there was a peaceful optimistic atmosphere all the time. what did these folks different? damn, do they probably have a common vision? do they know how to make our world a better place? is a common consciousness of many many like-minded people a better way to change the world  than demonstrations?

hell, let's awake the masses (middle class) anyway (source: facebook, #OWS group):

got it? well, now u know what is #OccupyWallStreet abt ... i see, a picture says more than 1,000 words => ♥ Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ ☼ N ♥

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Crash of 1929. American Experience.

~ hell, now i know when to sell my gold + silver stocks ~ when the greed reaches levels like in 1929 ~ this investment stuff is sooo easy :-)

Friday, December 2, 2011

#jaroBUYs SILVER and hepls 2 crash the fraudulent paper money system ;-)

(german hyperinflation1923 ~ source:

next money withdrawn out of the banking system ~ #jaroBUYs SILVER ~ not physical, only a silver ETF, but they claim to hold the silver their customers bought, so still better than fiat money on my account, isnt it?

and yes, in the long run silver can go up in $$ value, paper money only loses its buying power :-)

so how to crash the fraudulent paper money system? its easy, easy, easy, my dear! here are the 6 issues (= 6 don'ts + 6 dos) you have to follow

go gold+silver bugs go and lets crash the fraudulent paper money system NOW :-)