Saturday, February 15, 2020

SiKo = warmongers' conference in munich (MSC)

a really nice protest against NATO and the warmongers' conference in munich [=wehrkundetagung = its original name and its purpose; new names (orwell's newspeak 'thanks' to mainstream media ) => security conference, MSC, SicherheitstKonferenz, SiKo] ... the North Atlantic Terror Organization (NATO) is an aggressor (=angriffsbündnis), you know?
war is ugly
krieg dem KRIEG, überall, bringt die NATO jetzt zum fall.
deutsche waffen, deutsches geld, morden mit in aller welt.
hinter dem faschismus steht das kapital. der kampf um die befreiung ist international.
hoch die internationale solidarität! hoch - die - in-ter-na-ti-o-naaaa-le - so-li-da-ri-täääät 😃
war is also a business, isn't it? export vs. import 😞
source: here
this year linked we protesters the themes peace and climate protection together. it makes sense because war destructs not only human lives but also industry, infrastructure, resources ... and even in 'peace' time are the armies huge consumer of oil / kerosine / resources and cause quantities of carbon emissions ... the u.s. army is probably also the single biggest user of oil in the world (i don't have the proper link/source on hand now, thus 'probably' ;o)
we have middle of february = middle of winter, but look here ... our climate is completely destroyed, isn't it?
few of the themes covered :
  • free julian assange 
  • stop defender 2020 (provocative NATO maneuvers with about 37,000 soldiers at russian border)
  • bundeswehr out of foreign countries (at the moment is our german army active in 12 countries around the globe)
  • women for peace (internationale frauenliga)
  • syria, afghanistan, libya, ukraine, iran, yemen, (+ yugoslavia, bolivia, venezuela, ...?)
  • germany out of NATO
  • disarm => no new nukes in europe
  • etc
main poster by the protest organizators  ~ source here
is it important to protest? let's ask albert einstein (source here)
this time there were more policemen than activists, i guess => so sad that our german peace movement is that weak 😭
opening rally at karlsplatz stachus
stop defender 2020 (provocative NATO maneuvers with about 37,000 soldiers at russian border)
NATO is an aggressor, you see?
women for peace (internationale frauenliga)
so many creative posters, costumes, symbols ...
peace march through the center of munich
closing rally at marienplatz
 a beer 🍺 with other peace activist buddies after the SiKo
peace activist heading home + my peace flag waves now about our children playing ground😄

more impressions here.
last year's event siko 2019 here.
stop NATO => stop WAR => protect nature + climate
fuck SiKo = fuck war
fuck the system, too ~ source here

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