Sunday, January 12, 2014

anonymous meets occupy

anonymous meets occupy in munich (january 25th) ... do not miss it, my dear freedom fighters

tolle filme über die anonymous und OccupyWallStreet bewegungen mit anschließender podiumsdiskusssion mit American Peace Comittee und OccupyMünchen

=> occupy filmmuseum 

why couldn't occupy suceed? it was just a 98% movement ...
  • 1% (the top 1%) was destroying the economy, peace and the nature 
  • 1% was against it ( #OccupyWallStreet)
  • 98% did nothing

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

propaganda (north korea tells the truth, if you asked me)

ok, the first and the last minute of this north korean video about western propaganda are really strange (ode to leader baby kim), but what about the remaining 1.5 hours? it has cost me my sleep tonight and i do not regret at all ...

any opinion out there?

Friday, January 3, 2014

skiing in hochzillertal, austria

what a nice day ... skiing with my youngest daughter + her boyfriend in hochzillertal + hochfügen, the skiing area in kaltenbach, zillertal valley in the tuxer alpen, tirol, austria, AT. ⛇

not much snow in JANUARY :(( down in zillertal, kaltenbach, austria ~ it was probably not so good to burn all that oil, gas, coal and half of our forests in the last 100 years, was it? climate-change-report-2013

more pictures? just visit my google album 😃⛄🌋🌞


Thursday, January 2, 2014

wolpertinger (wild bavarian animals seen at mountain predigtstuhl above bad reichenhall)

take care, wolpertingers out there at mountain predigtstuhl (1613 m) above bad reichenhall. wolper what? wolpertinger is a rare bavarian animal, you know? just look it up in wikipedia (there are more pictures in german language article, but you can switch to english as well).


well, on the 3rd day of our wolfgangsee / austria trip on the way back we have visited the predigtstuhl mountain by world's oldest cable car still active in original state (predigtstuhlbahn from 1928) and after that walked around in bad reichenhall, the poor sister of its austrian salt mining cousin salzburg ...

 panoramic view from predigtstuhl 1613 m 
walking around at predigtstuhl
going down from predigtstuhl 1613 m (you see the cross?) the old bavarian style :-) ... or do you better like the new bavarian style?
 lunch break in the mountain inn at predigtstuhl
2 wolpertingers :-)
let's go down to bad reichenhall with the oldest still active cable car (opened 1928)
down in bad reichenhall again
 bad reichenhall
 old salt factory 
 there is no nice city centre out there, just 2 shopping streets ,,,
waiting for my wife, drinking water in ladies section
more pictures: g+ album

... and here is our next visit here 10 months later :-)

lake mondsee & co.

there is not only the lake wolfgangsee in austria, my dears...

we have visited few more lakes: mondsee, egelsee, krottensee, hallstätter see and fuschlsee. the best known is lake mondsee ...

lake mondsee
castle hüttenstein
lake krottensee
lake wolfgangsee
 lake fuschlsee
 lake fuschlsee with castle fuschl and the schafberg hill
lake hallstätter see with unesco heritage city hallstatt

find more pitures in my g+ album. enjoy :-)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

st. wolfgang am wolfgangsee

a dinner + nonalcoholic beer 'schlossgold' were the main reasons for us to visit st. wolfgang at lake wolfgangsee :-)
 christmas is about peace, isn't it?
 a candle in the middle of the lake? nice :-)
 dinner + nonalcoholic beer 'schlossgold' in the white deer restaurant at the lake
good bye, my dear 1,000 years old buddy st. wolfgang

more pictures here

what is better for holidays, st. gilgen or st. wolfgang? hmmm, they are sooo similar: lake, ship traffic to the other villages, old houses, hill above the village, cable car up to the hill zwölferhorn 1521m in st. gilgen vs. summer time train up to the mountain schafberg 1782 in st. wolfgang. well, st. gilgen have had a much nicer church, st. gilgen much nicer city center if you asked me ... and yes. hte 3rd biggest village/city at wolfgangsee is strobl, we haven't visited this time ...


hallstatt (unesco heritage)

well, i was quite disappointed after visiting hallstatt, the unesco cultural heritage and city which was copied and re-built by one chinese mining company as an 1 : 1 replica somewhere in china. even when we have had a bad weather it still was interesting to see the old houses + 2 or 3 churches squashed between the lake hallstätter see and the rocks of the dachstein massif, but i've expected something more, to be honest from this heritage (weltkulturerbe) in the salzkammergut region of austria

enjoy few pictures anyway
 2nd church
 view from the 2nd church down to the lake and the 1st church ...
 skulls and bones
good-bye dachstein
just in case you want to read about the history of hallstatt: salt (world's first known salt mine is located just above the city), bronze, other metals, ... and probably also fishing + hunting + forestry and today tourism, of course :-)

more pictures in my google album