Monday, May 30, 2011

no nukes! demo against nuclear power

demo at königsplatz (king's square) in munich on saturday
after the fukushima disaster its easier to get people 2gether 2 demonstrate against nuclear power in munich and elsewhere ... why do we folks need a catastrophe 1st in order 2 start thinking? hmmmm, thats saaad ...

well, i came approx 1 hour later after the demo begun, but there was still a lot of anti-nuclear-energy out there and i could say NO 2 NUKES, donate some money, enjoy good music and walk through the streets and parks at my old university buildings complex ... OMG, i havent been there for years :-)

wanna see few more pictures from the demo + from my walk through the streets of munich afterwards? well, just visit my picasa album, here we go ~ enjoy + switch 2 green power supplier asap :-)

btw, wanna read abt the last anti-nukes-demo i have attended ... and there was 1 more protest in munich in between, so its already inflationary, isnt it? anyway, lets stop the nuclear danger ... fukushima ;-(

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

lech walesa

i have met a great visionary 2day :)

former polish revolutionary leader of the movement solidarity / solidarnosc (which started in stettin / szczecin in 1980) and later polish president lech walesa hold a speach in the emperor's hall of  munich's residenz, the place where bavarian kings lived for thousands of years ...

lets share few notes, so u can create your own ideas abt the highly interesting evening ;-):
  • faith, visions, freedom, solidarity, revolution, great sense of humor, nobel prize for peace
  • the polish pope john paul ll was a major hope for poland and a force which has brought millions of polish people together and actually enabled the revolution ... 
  • soviet union, communist party ... radish-like communists in eastern europe (only from outside red ;-) ... 
  • helmut kohl, hans-dietrich gentscher, berlin wall, mikhail gorbachev ... btw all 'professional' politicians and other leaders/kings (both western and eastern) didnt believe the system change is possible/probable, theyve just rational counted the number of tanks, soldiers, rockets etc and compared that to walesa's vision of change ... thx goodness, all of them were wrong!!! even the so lauded gorbachev told german politicians only 1 month before the berlin wall has fallen forever, that they can start talking abt 'the wall' in 100 years. how wrong was he, my dear!
  • egypt +  tunisia + arabic poverty & social disparity driven revolutions
  • great chance 4 freedom + peaceful development in our generation without state boarders, badly needed consumers instead of enemies (a new era, isnt it?), globalization ... 
  • grotesque western democracy, politicians led/driven not by visions but by television ... 
  • common values, united europe led by germany (btw, in germany there isnt a single person who whould publicly speak abt leadership or even think abt stuff like that! at least ive never heard abt person/leader like that cos the hitler era collective guilt feeling/believes last still to heavily over germany!)
  • even in western world there is soo much to do (so many jobs meanigful) like eg better multi-layer roads without crossroads and without traffic jams etc
  • dont mix politics with religion, ...
  • horrible classical music + yummy finger food + drinks ....
what abt my own resume? let's dream how the WORLD COULD LOOK LIKE and let's make that vision true. if people united cannot be defeated :-)

.... and much much more .... comimg soon or never ...

folks, pls don't worry abt my pictures quality, an other guest promised to send me few of his pictures which i will prolly post later on :-)
here we go! lets switch 2 high quality pictures now (source/copyright by robert stefaniakmay 19th 2011, residence munich)
#5 (there was some music as well :-)
#6 (giving advice 2 homo sapiens (via polish-german interpreters as well) how to create a better, free, peaceful, prosperous, fair, SOLIDARY WORLD!)

Monday, May 16, 2011

altona mining (copper mountain) + cap-ex ventures

a combined investor lunch event 2day => altona mining + cap-ex ventures

altona (survived and became later copper mountain, symbol C6C at ASX) ,,, and even later part of hudbay minerals (HBM at TSX)
altona mining's project in finland
  • my well known copper play
  • great progress in finland ... btw, yesterday won the finnish ice-hockey team the world championship in slovakia (bratislava + my birth city kosice) against their archrival sweden by astonishing 6 : 1
  • great progress in australia dito => later merger of (almost?) equals with copper mountain, C6C
  • well financed ... of course, ive increased my holdings in altona's recent capital raising action few weeks ago ... unfortunately, the current market correction drove the share price below my purchase price :-(
  • anything special 2 mention? well, the CEO alistair cowdem seems to be serious abt what he talks as the company reaches one milestone after another => lets lean back and (with a little patience) lets enjoy the many-bagger future of that investment ;o)
  • ...
  • iron ore in quebec / canada
  • labrador trough ~ iron ore belt which stands for 99% of canadian iron ore production
  • 'plan nord' ~ development of infrastructure by quebec's government
  • very early stage projects
  • ...

anything else? coming soon or never 😄

Friday, May 13, 2011

süd-chemie, died after 154 years of success :-(

süd-chemie, last AGM ever :o(

headquarters in the centre of munich (source: bloomberg)

established 1857 in bavaria in order to produce the 1st artificial fertiliser, destroyed 2011 in order to make one big competitor even bigger (and to allow some other major shareholders an favorable 'exit'? well, maybe they didnt like to accept the decisions of the new controlling shareholder, who knows?)

lets move to companys website to look-up how the story begun:

Four entrepreneurs came together to produce the first artificial phosphate fertiliser, superphosphate and make it available for agricultural use. On 19 November, they received a licence from the Bavarian king, Maximilian II to found the Bavarian Public Limited Company for Chemical and Agrochemical Products, known as BAG. This predecessor to Süd-Chemie was created by federal councillor Baron Julius von Niethammer, Joseph von Hirsch, banker at the royal court, Professor of Agriculture Carl Nikolaus Fraas and chemist Wilhelm Mayer. One of the founding shareholders and initiators was Justus von Liebig, the father of modern fertilisation theory.

... few years in between ...

the disaster ... one of the the worlds leading absorbents + catalysts producers loses its independence! a steady growing and steady profitable company was taken-over by the swiss competitor Clariant International Ltd. well, clariant holds 96% of all shares, the squeeze-out offer is expected within the next 2 weeks, hmmmmm, will the take-over price for the remaining small shareholders like me be fair? you dont know what does absorbents + catalysts mean? dont worry, neither do i ... well, let the companys officials explain that chemical stuff to you ... and enjoy many munich scenes in that old company video:

well, sued-chemie was not only abt tradition! they are building the worlds biggest lithium battery factory in canada (start of production in 2012) and a biofuel facility in bavaria which makes fuel  from straw, which means there is no food used for fuel ... great, isnt it?


good-bye, sued-chemie ...

ludwig beck

AGM in hilton hotel ...

what is ludwig beck? well, a 150 years old fashion boutique located at the historic town square in the very centre of munich, next 2 the city hall. well, the location is the only asset, lets hope they'll own the house in the future .... btw, they have placed a webcam there! now u can always watch what happens in the middle of munich :-) ... what abt the next demo against war, nuclear energy or the like?

... well, theyre making more and more turnover & profit with less and less clients, are there sooooo many rich folks in munich out there? prolly they are :)

headquarters & fashion department store (source: ludwig beck)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

edgewater exploration

next investor lunch presentation in munich ~ edgewater exploration

any insights?
  • gold in spain (NI43-101 compiant 1.2m ounces resource)
  • gold in ghana (option for kinross to acquire 49%)
  • great shareholder structure (insiders, lundin group, kinross, ..., only 38% retail investors)
  • CAD 7m cash, sufficient till the end of the year to pay the lundin group for the spanish property + for drilling in ghana & spain
  • mr. market values only their spanish asset => the stock is an option on the much, much larger project in ghana
  • still cheap in terms of 'gold resources in the ground'
  • the stock didnt collapse today as the silver price lost 9% and edgewaters gold/silver explorer buddies lost -5% to -15%. it is a sign of strength, isnt it?
  • still cant understand why my initial buy order at CAD 0.80 wasnt filled 2day cos there was trading volume between CAD 0.80 and 0.82 ... hmmmm, strange canadian exchange, isnt it ????
  • ...
... lets add some details 2morrow or wanna ask CEO george salamis directly?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

rare earths (REE) madness

folks, now i start 2 understand all that REE craziness out there! wanna see the recent price developments? (source: the latest lynas corp quarterly report):
Rare Earths supply constraints has further impacted Rare Earths prices. The average quarterly price for the Mount Weld Rare Earths distribution, on Freight on Board (FOB) China basis, increased to US$ 92.84/kg REO, which is an increase of over 49% across the quarter. Prices continue to increase post quarter end and as at 27 April 2011, the average price for the Mount Weld Rare Earths composition was US$ 160.32/kg on a FOB China basis. 160.32/kg on a FOB China basis.  
damned hell! the madness lasts for quite some time now, isnt it? just imagine, the price of lynas' REO composition increased from $13.13 to $160.32 in only 13 months --- what the heck is going on? all of that only because china cornered the REE market (via price dumping and thus destroying almost all foreign production) some time ago?

my REE fighters (rare earth elements):
  • commerce resources - canada
  • quantum rare earth - usa
  • aurizon mines - canada
  • zimtu capital - canada
  • talon metals - canada
  • arafura resources - australia
  • lynas corp - australia
go commodities go!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

munich re ~ AGM few days ago

company headquarters ~ inside the building-complex

most interesting insight? they dont have to worry abt the nuclear disaster in fukushima too much! from the financial perspective only, just the earthquake + tsunami is an issue for the insurance businesses. why? well, the is no sufficient 3rd party liability insurance for the nuke industry needed ~ the stupid taxpayer carries all risk existing 

folks, lets #gogreen, lets switch 2 green energy providers (btw, it isnt expensive anymore), lets vote for better politics and better governments, dont allow our corrupt governments 2 destroy our future (both financial and ecological future, of course!), lets protest + lets change the world, it isnt too late yet, i hope ...

btw, there was a AGM a year ago as well: 
  • 2010 ~ wanna read that? really? well, you have to scroll a little bit down to the end of my article, will u? here we go :-)
  • ... and 2009 ...

allianz ~ next year is over!

company logo

how did i recognized that bombastic news? well, i have attended next allianz AGM last week ... it is as easy as that 

most interesting insights? 

#1: unlike their headquarters neighbors and insurance buddies munich re, allianz managed to stay profitable in Q1 2011. crazy, isnt it? there were sooo many natural disasters recently 

#2: their thin pimco subsidiary generated profit of €1.6b out of a total of €5.2b ... great, isnt it? what did the pimco guys so well? well, they didnt buy u.s. government bonds any longer but sell them! lets hope allianz will go short european bond market BEFORE it collapses completely .... 

btw, are there any additional AGMs in munich scheduled? yep, may 12 ... 3 companies on 1 day (bmw, linde, ludwig beck) ... gonna visit the last one of them cos ive never been there and its completely strange out of my portfolio 

there were some allianz AGMs in the past as well:

from explorer 2 producer

company logo

good-bye my dear silver explorer ... welcome my dear silver producer 

current company news:

May 03, 2011
Alexco Releases Initial Production Results for Bellekeno Mine; On Track for 2011 Silver Production of 2.8 Million Ounces
May 3, 2011 -- Alexco Resource Corp. (TSX:AXR, NYSE AMEX:AXU) today reported the first full quarter production results from its newly commissioned Bellekeno mine and mill in the Keno Hill Silver District, Yukon.

First Quarter Highlights
Silver Production of 447,524 ounces
Lead Production of 3,682,304 pounds
Zinc Production of 1,334,144 pounds

btw, despite the recent sharp, sharp, sharp correction in the whole mining sector, my initial investment is +66.54% in €uro terms ... not bad in 8 months, anyway 

Friday, May 6, 2011

commodity conference

5 companies presented themselves at the cm-equity commodity conference in munich's best place 'hotel bayerischer hof' 2night:

  • corex gold ~ gold in mexico
  • adriot resources ~ antimony in italy ~ im invested here since few weeks
  • lion one gold - gold in fiji
  • westminster resources ~ copper, gold, silver in mexico
  • western potash ~ potash in canada ~ im invested here since few years

then there were 2 quite interesting 'overview' presentations abt exploration/mining basics (similar 2 my former blog posts uno & dos) and abt a chart supported wake-up call 2 buy physical gold/silver esp. for folks who dont have any (similar 2 my former blog post tres ... btw, that ratio fell to 8 recently :-)

what abt pictures + more insights? ... coming soon ... here we go :-)

some tasty snacks and time to speak to other investors, gold bugs and the like ...

a nice place over there, isnt it?

folks, im too tired + too lazy in order 2 write anything, so just move 2 host's website and enjoy the fact that on sept 28, 2011 there will be the next such commodity conference ...

Monday, May 2, 2011

silver -11.24% right now :-(((


folks, ive made some €uros in my mini trading account by going long & short & short SILVER right now .... exactly 222.69 €uros at the current usd/eur rate ... but im quite sure i will lose many thousands of €uros in my investing account tomorrow, because it is full of mining shares, especially junior mining shares   

its so strange, we just had an all-time-high in gold $1,576 per ounce few minutes ago and a high-high-high silver price of $48 or $49 and now it is going to be such a mess for junior gold/silver producers & explorers and their investors 

well, mr. market can be soooo cruel 
OMG again!

go commodities go!